Jacqui Dodds

Jacqui has a BA (Hons) in Fine Art and works predominantly in printmaking.  

She is a member of Birmingham Printmakers, Wrexham Print Centre and re:collect, a group of artists exploring, making and exhibiting contemporary art in the heritage context. 

Using silkscreen, lino cut and blind embossing Jacqui aims to distil her memory of these experiences. Colour often plays a significant role, whether subtle or vibrant. Using a limited palette or leaving areas untouched she explores both the space and mood within an image. The surface of the silkscreen prints in particular, show subtle layers of both solid and transparent elements, where natural references such as trees or foliage may conceal and offer texture adjacent to or in front of the harder manmade structures. 

Jacqui teaches print workshops at Birmingham Printmakers and Westhope College, Shropshire.  She has also taught print as part of exhibitions and funded projects in museum, school and heritage venues.